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Busy Hour

Busy Hour is a chat, voice & video call, and activity feeds solutions. Any messages that stored in Busy Hour is fully encrypted, including the activity feeds of the users. The encryption can be enabled through the dashboard when creating the project and cannot be changed afterwards.

Quick Example

import React, { useEffect } from 'react'
import { useInitBusyApp } from '@busy-hour/react/hooks';
// Config file from Busy Hour Dashboard
import busyConfig from './busyConfig.json'

export default function Index() {
const isAppInitialized = useInitBusyApp({
// initialize the app based on the config file
configFile: busyConfig,
projectAppId: 'your-project-app-id',
projectId: 'your-project-id',
// determine if the app should be initialized or not
isShouldInit: true,

const isServiceInitialized = useInitBusyService({
// get user auth data from busy hour through your BE
// or at
accessToken: 'your-user-access-token',
serviceToken: 'your-user-service-token',
// determine if the app should be initialized or not
isShouldInit: isAppInitialized,

if (!isAppInitialized || !isServiceInitialized) {
return <div>Loading...</div>

return <App />